From Faraway (Música: Caetano Veloso; Letra: Jorge Mautner)

Baby, I came from far away
From where the sun never shines at day
Up there it's so cold, everybody is so old
That I'm looking for you, that I'm looking for you
I'm gonna tell you that's good, I'm gonna tell you that's bad
I just want you to know that my body is alone and sad
My body feels sometimes the heat of the stars at night
Then feels the cold rain dropping by
But I am sick of searching out throught this land
A loving caressing hand
Oh, how i wish to feel that strange thrill
That so many people described to me
A loving hand, caressing my hand
My body taking care

© 1972 Ed. Warner Chappell - Álbum Para Iluminar a Cidade - Jorge Mautner.

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